Announcement bar

Use the "Announcement bar" section to post any important information or eye-catching slogans to engage with the customers.

Tip: If you need to add or remove the section, tick or untick the "Show announcement bar" option in Theme settings -> Layout.

Announcement bar

In this section, you can set up the color settings of the top bar.


Use the given item to change the background color of the announcement bar.


This item allows you to set color settings for the text in the bar.

Mobile slider autoplay interval

Using two or more "Announcement" blocks in the section activates the announcement slider on mobile. To control the interval of changing announcements from one to another, use the "Mobile slider autoplay interval" scale to set the time limit from 2 to 10 seconds.

In the following examples, you can view how the section might display on a desktop and mobile:


Tip: Press "Add Announcement" to insert a content block. The "Announcement" block can be added up to three times to display a new column in the information line.

In the "Heading" and "Text" fields, put any promotional information such as discounts, sales, contacts, campaigns, or announcing new features/products.

If required to direct customers to the required page by pressing the text in the bar, use the "Link" resource selector.

In the following examples, you can see the previously mentioned settings:

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