Getting Started
User manual for the Unicorn Shopify theme. Use the search icon for a quick search.
Quick start
If you are stuck, check these quick tips first.
Dynamic sections - You may add any section from the Theme sections list to any store page, be sure you navigate to the correct page. Use the page navigation dropdown at the top toolbar of the Theme Editor.
Static sections and Theme Settings - they are store-wide and apply to all store pages. Check the options listed in Theme settings first, then check the options of static sections like Header or Footer. Please note some sections are page-specific, like the Product page, or Collection page.
Texts - you may adjust default theme texts at ... (three dots) -> Edit default theme content. If you can't find the text here, it may be the part of section, block, or theme settings.
Search the user manual for more information.
Some store features are not theme-related and should be configured at the Shopify store admin panel. Be sure you are familiar with Shopify features and options. You can get more details about the Shopify software at the Shopify help pages.
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