Collage of images

This section enables to set an image gallery column with the descriptive text.

Tip: This section can be edited by blocks: "Image" and "List item".

Each block can be added individually and customized in different ways.

Media column

Tip: To display the Media column in the entire screen width, remove the heading, description, and labels of the buttons. Then apply settings in the "Image" block using the "Side position" scale.

Note! By adding the section, you get a ready-made layout of the Media column, just like in the demo. Use settings from the section and blocks to customize the image appearance according to your preferences.

To redirect visitors to the pre-selected page by pressing the image gallery in the section, paste the external links to the field, or use the "URL" source selector to add an internal link.

Decide the size of the image gallery on the "Media column height" scale from 50% to 150%, where 100% is a square image, less than 100% is a landscape, and more than 100% - is a portrait.

Use the "Heading" placeholder to add a section title. It will be placed on the opposite side of the Media column.

The font size of the title can be changed to "Small", "Medium", or "Large" in the "Heading font size" drop-down.

If you need to set up the color of the title, use the "Heading color" picker. Here you can paste the hex code to the related field or choose the color using the paint pallet. The color settings will be used for both desktop and mobile.

Use the "Description" input field to add some descriptive text strings to the section that will appear under the heading.

The color of the description and icon can be set in the "Description color" picker. The color you apply for the item will be used for a desktop and mobile.

Button/Second button

Use the settings described below to add or edit buttons that will be displayed under the description.

Change the internal button text in the "Label" field. Leave the field blank to hide the button.

To redirect customers to the desired page, edit the "Link". Use the link from the source selector, or paste the one if you use an external link.

Use the "Style" drop-down to change the button's appearance in the sections. The theme includes three styles that can work out in your store: "Primary", "Secondary", or "Link style". Each button style can be viewed on the following help page.

Use the "Color" picker to change the button background color for the "Primary" style. For the "Secondary" style the colorized text and border inside the button will be added. If you used the "Link style", the color will be applied to the text link.


In the "Layout", one can set whether to display the media column on the left or right on the desktop. The desired option "Right media column" or "Left media column" can be used from the drop-down list.

If you need to show a "Dividing line", choose "Top" or "Bottom" positions. It will be hidden once you use the option "None".

On the "Top spacing" and "Bottom spacing" scales, decide whether to add spaces at the top and bottom of the section. Control spacing settings from 0 to 100 pixels on each scale.


Desktop hover animation

If you want to add an animation by hovering each image in the section, choose the suggested option from the list. By default, the block uses the "Inherit global settings" option. If there is no need to apply animation settings for the section individually, leave this option as it is. In this case, decide on the animation image effect in the global settings of the Theme Editor by using the "Banner image desktop hover animation" drop-down. Read the details on the following help page.

The options "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" place the zooming effect to enlarge or decrease an image on the mouse hover. The option "None" deactivates the animation.

You can read more about the described options on the following help page.

In the following examples, you can view how the section might display on desktop and mobile:

Last updated