Show all products in a curated collection, that are logically arranged in the main image, to portray your fashion line and reflect a style concept so buyers feel complete with your visual presentation
Use the "Heading" placeholder to add a section title. It will be placed on the top of the section by default.
The font size of the title can be changed to "Small", "Medium", or "Large" in the "Heading font size" drop-down.
If you need to set up the color of the title, use the "Heading color" picker. Here you can paste the hex code to the related field or choose the color using the paint pallet. The color settings will be used for both desktop and mobile.
Use the "Description" input field to add some descriptive text strings to the section that will appear under the heading.
Note! By default, the button appearance on the desktop depends on the "Layout" of content and underneath products on mobile.
The color of the description and icon can be set in the "Description color" picker. The color you apply for the item will be used for a desktop and mobile.
Set the desired option using the "Button type" picker to define the button behavior. The section includes two types:
"Buy all". Leave the option for pushing visitors to purchase all the products posted in the Lookbook by pressing the button.
"Link button". The "Buy all" button will be changed to a link button when selecting this option. This button type works as a redirection to another page. Using this option provides additional settings to customize the button:
Change the internal button text in the "Label" field.
To redirect customers to the desired page, edit the "Link". Use the link from the source selector, or paste the one if you use an external link.
Use the "Style" drop-down to change the button's appearance in the sections. The theme includes three styles that can work out in your store: "Primary", "Secondary", or "Link style". Each button style can be viewed on the following help page.
Use the "Color" picker to change the button background color for the "Primary" style. For the "Secondary" style the colorized text and border inside the button will be added. If you used the "Link style", the color will be applied to the text link.
In the "Image" selector, press "Select image" to upload the background animation for both desktop and mobile.
The "Layout" picker provides two options to change the look and feel of the section on the desktop view:
"Fullwidth". Select the option to display the Lookbook at the full width of the screen. The page width depends on the settings applied in the "Layout" global section. The corresponding product will be shown over the main image on the mouse hovering over the dots.
View the example of the layout on the DEMO.
"2 columns". Activate the option to display a list of suggested products on the right side of the screen. Using this option, the corresponding product will be highlighted in the list when hovering over the spot on the main image.
The "2 columns" option can be viewed on the DEMO.
Note! The layout of the section can not be changed on mobile. The corresponding product will be highlighted in the list underneath when pressing the corresponding spot on the main image.
Here is an example view of the section on mobile:
Product card
Choose the appropriate aspect ratio of the product images in the "Image ratio". You can use one of the options that display well on both desktop and mobile views: "Adapt to image", "Portrait", "Square", "Landscape", or "Circle". Each image ratio you can check here.
Additionally, one can change the product image size from 20% to 60% using the "Image width in grid" scale. This setting will be applied to images on mobile and for the "2 columns" layout on the desktop.
Show vendor
Display the product vendor above the product title by simply enabling the checkbox.
If you need to show a "Dividing line", choose "Top" or "Bottom" positions. It will be hidden once you use the option "None".
On the "Top spacing" and "Bottom spacing" scales, decide whether to add spaces at the top and bottom of the section. Control spacing settings from 0 to 100 pixels on each scale.
Tip: To add a new dot over the image, use the "Product" block. The given block can be added up to six times by pressing the "Add Product" button.
Note! For the "2 columns" layout, products will be added two items in a row with the subsequence moving of added blocks to the next line.
Connect a desired product with the block using the "Product" selector. If you need to create a new product, hit the "Create product" button to navigate to your Shopify admin -> Products.
To replace a product image with the desired one, press "Select image" in the "Product image" source selector to set the one from the Store library or upload from a device.
Use the "Horizontal position" scale from 0% to 100% to specify the dot's position on the main image inline.
Change the "Vertical position" of a spot from 0% to 100%.
Decide how the product will pop up when hovering over the dot on the main image by pressing one of the options in the "Align" picker. The product image can be shown on the "Top", "Bottom", "Left", or "Right" from the spot. These settings work on the desktop and only for the "Fullwidth" layout.
Here is how the block might be displayed in a store:
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