Email signup banner

Use the section to display the subscription form on the Password page.

Tip: The "Email signup banner" section can not be removed. However, you can hide it. Hover over a section title and click the eye icon to hide a section.

Email signup


The layout settings change the look and feel of the section.

Choose one of the options "In-grid heading", "Heading on top", or "Heading top center" in the "Layout" drop-down.

Use the "Mobile align" settings to change the alignment of the heading and description to the "Left" or "Center". Leave the "Auto" option to use the pre-designed theme settings.

If you need to show a "Dividing line", choose "Top" or "Bottom" positions. It will be hidden once you use the option "None".

On the "Top spacing" and "Bottom spacing" scales, decide whether to add spaces at the top and bottom of the section. Control spacing settings from 0 to 100 pixels on each scale.

Theme Blocks

Tip: To add a block, press "Add block" and select the one from the list. Each block can be added only once.


Add the block if you need to showcase a headline. Here you can put the text in the "Heading" placeholder.

If you need to set up the color of the title, use the "Heading color" picker. Here you can paste the hex code to the corresponding field or choose the color using the paint pallet. The color settings will be used for both desktop and mobile.


In order to display the description, add the block and edit the corresponding "Description" input field.

If you need to change a paragraph color, use the "Text" picker.

Email form

The email subscription will be added to the page if you add an existing block.

In the "Field text", paste the string to show in the input field.

In the following examples, you can view how the section might display on desktop and mobile:

Last updated