Mini cart

The "Mini cart" section involves settings to set up the cart drawer.

Tip: If you need to add or remove the section, enable or disable the option "Show mini cart" in Theme settings -> Product.

This feature is available on desktop and mobile. The mini cart will be displayed on the right by pressing the cart icon in the Header:

Mini cart

Hit the "Show vendor" checkbox to display a product brand above a title:

To edit the Mini cart, use the theme blocks:

Subtotal price

Tip: Press "Add block" and choose the "Subtotal price" in Theme Blocks. Drag and drop the block to swap it with the other blocks in the section.

Here is how the block might display in the cart drawer:

Checkout button

Tip: Press "Add block" and choose the "Checkout button" in Theme Blocks. Drag and drop the block to swap it with the other blocks in the section.

If there is a need for your store to require customers to accept the terms of use before proceeding to the Checkout page, click the "Show confirmation checkbox" option.

This example shows how the block might display in the cart drawer:

Tip: If you additionally want to display a notification about products added to the cart, activate one of the options: "Open mini cart after adding to cart" or "Enable add to cart notification" in Theme settings -> Product.

Cart note

Tip: Press "Add block" and choose the "Cart note" in Theme Blocks. Drag and drop the block to swap it with the other blocks in the section.

Note! The notes entered into the "Order special instruction" input field will appear in your Shopify admin -> Orders -> Notes.

Add the block to display the input field for special instructions to the order in the cart drawer.

If you want to display the notes field opened by default, enable the given checkbox in the block:

In the following examples, you can view how the cart drawer might display on desktop and mobile:

Last updated