The following block can be used to place any specific information in the Header like contacts, operating hours, locations, and others.
Last updated
The following block can be used to place any specific information in the Header like contacts, operating hours, locations, and others.
Last updated
Tip: To add a block, press "Add block" and choose "Contacts" from the proposed list of blocks. This block can be added once.
To change the width of the Contacts popup on the mouse hover the "Min width" slider can be used from 0 to 300 pixels.
The size of titles can be changed to either "Body", "Small", "Medium", or "Large" in the "Heading size" drop-down.
Use the line settings to display up to four information lines in the popup when hovering over the first line in the Header.
The "Icon SVG" field is designed to link SVG icons that come with the theme or your custom SVG icons:
To display the built-in theme graphics, add an icon name to the field. Learn how to operate the theme SVG icons here.
Use the provided field to paste the HTML code of your custom SVG icon. Refer to the following help page for step-by-step instructions on the required modifications.
Leave the field blank to hide an icon.
In the "Title" field, input the primary information for the line such as a phone number or location. This information will appear next to the icon.
To display further details beneath the title, use the "Text" field.
Note! Content from the block will appear at the bottom of the menu popup on mobile view.