Filters logic
In this section, you can find a detailed explanation of the “AND” & “OR” filters logic.
The Shella theme provides two filtering approaches: filters by product tags (the old filtering method) and storefront filtering by Shopify. These two methods use the filter logic by default. If you want to use the filter logic “AND”, you can set up filters by product tags. To use the filter logic “OR”, apply the needed settings to display the storefront filtering.
Filters logic
'AND' - shows products that have all selected attributes. 'Black' AND 'XXL'. Narrow filter results.
'OR' - shows products that have at least one selected attribute. 'Black' OR 'XXL'. Wide filter results.
What are tags?
Tags are keywords for the product. They describe the product in detail so that the system can find the needed product for the customer using a filter, e.g.: Zara, Women, Vintage, Trainers, T-Shirts & Tanks, Sunglasses, Summer, etc. You can find tags in Shopify Admin -> Products -> All Products. Choose any product and click on it. More information about how to create and use tags in Shopify you can find here.
How tags can affect the filter?
The filters by tags use the filter logic “AND” by default.
A filter logic “AND”
This filter logic includes only products with all tags, 'tag1' and 'tag2' in a filtering result.
There is a T-shirt with the following tags: Red, White, Blue M, S, L, Zara, T-Shirt, Summer.
There is a jacket with the following tags: Green, Red, 34, 36, 38, Armani, Autumn.
There is a hat with the following tags: Black, Silver, One size, Gucci, Summer.
Now, the customer is searching for red, summer products. The system will show only a T-shirt to a searcher because only this product has both “red” and “summer” tags.
A filter logic “OR”
This filter logic includes in filter results all products with all selected attributes.
There is a T-shirt with the following tags: Red, White, Blue M, S, L, Zara, T-Shirt, Summer.
There is a jacket with the following tags: Green, Red, 34, 36, 38, Armani, Autumn.
There is a hat with the following tags: Black, Silver, One size, Gucci, Summer.
Now, the customer is searching for green, Gucci products. The system will show both products: a jacket (because it has a “green” tag) and a hat (because it has a “Gucci” tag).
Last updated
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