Collection page heading
If you need to place the Heading on collection pages, the “Collection page heading” section should be added. The Heading is content that appears before or after the collection products grid.
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If you need to place the Heading on collection pages, the “Collection page heading” section should be added. The Heading is content that appears before or after the collection products grid.
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Add section -> Collection page heading
IMPORTANT! This section required saving changes by pressing the “Save” button in order to view customizations on a collection page.
This content can be added several times and in different content blocks: “Title”, “Promo box (banner)”, “Slick slider”, or “Slide for slick.
In this section, you can configure the general settings regarding the title and content for the “Heading”. These settings will be applied to all collections in your store. There are 4 drop-down lists for this purpose: “Position”, “Default desktop title” and “Default mobile title”, “Margins for the columns”.
In the “Position” drop-down, one can decide where and how the content should be shown on a collection page: “Products grid width”, “Container & top”, “Fullwidth & top”, “Container & bottom” or “Fullwidth & bottom”.
For “Default desktop title” and “Default mobile title”, you can decide whether the only title, title with the description, only description, or nothing out of this should be displayed. In the “Margins for the columns”, you can choose the type of margins for the columns.
This is how a collection page may look like when one enables “Products grid width” and “Only description” for desktop mode: