Theme Blocks

Here you can decide which content should be displayed individually on each collection page.

Banner Builder -> Add block

Custom HTML

This option allows you to add a page as content in the “Banner Builder” on the collection page. How to add and edit a page you can read here.

Promo box (Banner)

This block enables you to add a banner to the product grid or as a sub-collection.


In this section, you can select a collection in the “For collection”, for which you want this banner to be created and add a URL for the banner that will redirect your customers to the needed page when clicking on the banner. Simply click on it and choose the desired page from the dropdown list, or you can paste a link that is not on this list.


In order to make your banner more attractive for the clients, you can add an image for it. You can add an image both for a desktop and a mobile version, and it can be a different picture, with different sizes. The recommended image size for the desktop is 1440 x 550 pixels. The image quality can be changed on the “Image size” scale from 200 to 2000 pixels. The recommended image size for the mobile version is 540x550px. The mobile image quality can be changed on the “Mobile image size” scale from 200 to 2000 pixels. For the mobile version, you can also set the horizontal position using a “Horizontal position for the mobile image” scale from 0 to 100%, where 50% is a center position, 0% - move to the left, 100% - move to the right. The settings will be disabled if you choose “Auto image adaptation height” in Layouts ->Height, which will come further in the promo box settings. You can also add an “Image mask” and choose the level of its opacity on the “Image mask opacity” scale from 0.1 to 1.0. An image mask is a sort of color cover that can be put over the image in order to give it a particular shade of color if it has some opacity, or to cover it completely with the color if the opacity level is at maximum.


Here you customize the text content for your banner in the promo box. There are 3 text lines that can be added. Delete the line value for the text or button if you want to hide the element and use '<br>' for a line break. Of course, the style of the text content can be changed in “Colorized style”, where you can choose one of eight possible styles for this purpose.

Button #1 - #2

For each banner in the promo box, you can add two buttons, which can be customized. There are three customization options for the buttons: Button text, URL for the button, and Button style. In the Button text, you can write the title of the button, e.g.: Shop now, or More. In the URL for the button insert the link to which the client should be redirected when clicking on the button and in the Button style you can choose one of the button styles which are offered in the dropdown list.

Other content


In order to add a page with a list of content for the banner, press “Select page” and choose the one from the list. You can create a list of content in your Shopify admin -> Pages.

Custom HTML

This option allows you to replace the whole text content in the promo box with the page content. How to add and edit a page you can read here.


If you want to have a video on your Home page, you can add it here in the Promo box. If this is a YouTube or Vimeo link, you can simply insert it in the “YouTube or Vimeo video URL”. If the source of the video is different, you can upload it in Shopify Admin-> Settings-> Files and add a link here. Once you have uploaded the video, copy its URL and paste into “Video URL”. You can also decide whether the video should have autoplay or control, simply by enabling or disabling such options like “Video autoplay” and “Video controls”.


Here you can choose the Type of layout for the text in the promo box. Shella theme offers a lot of types for the layout, simply choose the one, that suits best for your store. Additionally, you can choose the proper “Content position on the desktop” and “Content horizontal align”. If you need to align the text on the left or right sides and include the text into the container, enable the option “Add container”. This option works only for Type #1 (Text over the image).

Use the scale from 0 to 100% to change the “Content width”. The width of the text can also be set from 0 to 1000 px in the “Text max width” scale, where 0 is auto and 1000 px is 100% of the width. The “Height” of the image can be changed by choosing one of the options from the dropdown list or using a “Min height” scale from 0 to 1000 px. The “Size of the columns” that suits the best for your store, can be chosen from the dropdown list. In the section “Layouts” one can also decide for which view the promo box content should be Visible: Desktop & mobile, Only desktop or Only mobile.


In this section, you can work on the animation, position, and opacity of the image in the banner of your promo box. The option “Image parallax” is available here. You can choose the suitable parallax type for you or disable it. Please note, that if the block height is not in the automatic adaptation mode, then the strength of the parallax effect will be adjusted to the selected height. If the height is too large for the image, the parallax effect may be minimal or not manifested at all. You can decide whether the image should have an animation when being hovered over with the mouse cursor by choosing the proper option from “Move image on hover to”. The positioning of the image can also be set in the “Static image position”. Just choose one of the available options from the dropdown list. In the same way, you can decide whether or when the banner image in the promo box should have an opacity. In the dropdown list “Image opacity” the options static, hover, static, and hover or none can be chosen for this purpose. You can select the needed animation option for the text from the dropdown list in “Text animation”. This option is available for the Layout type #1 (Text over the image) only.


Here you can customize color settings for the text and background in the promo box. A “Text background” is available only for the layouts “Type #1 with Background v1-v4”, “Type #3 (Ribbon bottom the image)” and “Type #4 (Animation ribbon bottom the image)”. You can customize the “Curtain background” item for the layout “Type #1 with Curtain v1-v3” only.

EXAMPLE Promo box

Now let’s see what we get when we add and customize our Banner Builder for the collection page “Men's”. We have added 4 Promo Boxes (Banners). These were our settings for all banners:

Promo boxes (Banners):


For collection: Men's

URL for banner: All Collections

Image: (an image was added)

Image size: 1450px

Mobile image: (no mobile image was selected, which is why in the mobile version the same picture will be displayed)

Mobile image size: 750px

Horizontal image for mobile image: 50%

Image mask: none

Image mask opacity: 0.5


Text line #1: Clothing (Shoes, Accessories, Sale)

Colorize style: Style #8


Type: Type #3 (Ribbon bottom the image)

Content position on the desktop: center

Size of the column: Auto

Visible: Desktop & mobile

Please note! In “Banner Builder” settings we have made some changes in the settings for all sections, which are the following:


Size of the columns: 2 items in the row

Size of the columns on mobile: 1 item in the row

Margins for the columns: Preset #3 (30px, 30px)

Last updated

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