News Subscription
In this section, you can choose a subscription method and customize the subscription popup according to your needs.
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In this section, you can choose a subscription method and customize the subscription popup according to your needs.
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Theme settings -> News Subscription
Here you can choose from 2 subscription methods: Shopify (default) and MailChimp. If you choose a Shopify (default) method, your subscribers will be added to your “accepts marketing” customer list. For the MailChimp method, you need to have a MailChimp URL in order to have access to your subscriber's data. Where to get MailChimp form action URL you can check here.
To display the confirmation checkbox, activate the “Show confirmation checkbox” option.
If you want a subscription popup to appear, simply enable this option.
There are 5 possible layouts for the popup, which appears on the home page only. Let´s take a look at each of them:
Show icon
You can decide, whether a subscription icon should be shown in the popup. This icon is visible in Layout #1 only:
In each layout, you have the option to add up to 4 text lines. Once you leave them blank, no text will be shown in the popup.
This option enables you to decide whether a subscription form should be shown in the popup.
Here you can choose any content to be displayed, e.g.: an input placeholder, a submit text button, e.g.: “SUBSCRIBE!”, a link button text, e.g.: “SHOP NOW”, the text fields for “Don´t show again” or “Close popup”.
We enabled the option and added text lines. And this is what we have got:
A background image can also be chosen for the subscription popup. Its width can be varied from 100 to 1200 px for the desktop. An image format can be either transparent or not. Transparent images will not be shown once you activate the “Enable format 'PJPG” checkbox.
If you need to set an image both for a desktop and a mobile version, this can be changed for Layout # 4 by using the “Mobile background image”. For Layout # 5, it will be displayed the same image on mobile as on desktop.
You can also have a second image in the popup using the “Insert image” source selector. However, this option is available for Layout # 5 only. The width of the “Insert image” option can be varied from 50 to 500 px.
If you need to display an image in the PJPG format, activate the “Enable insert image format 'PJPG”.
Here you can add a link to any store page, e.g.: Collection page, Policies, etc. Simply click on the field and a dropdown list with the available options will appear.
Here you can decide how often the popup will be shown on the store page. There are 2 options: Once, or Unless the user selects “Don´t show”. Simply select one out of them.
This time scale enables you to decide in how many seconds after refreshing the page the popup should appear. The time span is from 1 to 60 seconds.
Here you can decide how long the system should work with the client´s cookies or how often they should be refreshed in the system. You can choose 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month, or 1 year.
Here you can enable a subscription confirmation popup and customize it by typing your success message, e.g.: “Thank you for subscribing!” and add a success button text, e.g.: “Continue shopping”.