Product page
In this section, you can decide on the content that should be visible on the product page, its sidebar, and tabs.
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In this section, you can decide on the content that should be visible on the product page, its sidebar, and tabs.
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Products -> Product page
The option “Gallery size”, enables one to decide the image size using 12 grid areas. You can choose to display the gallery of images: 4/12, 5/12, 6/12, 7/12 or 8/12 of a line:
If you enable this option, a sidebar will be shown on the product page. You can choose on which side of the product page it should be shown: “Left” or “Right”. In case you don´t want it to be shown, you can choose the “Off” option in the “Sidebar position”. You can configure content for the sidebar section by adding Theme Blocks in Products -> Product page -> Add block. More information about how to customize the sidebar you can find here.
The option “Enable sticky sidebar” allows the sidebar to remain sticky on the product page while scrolling down the browser page. If you disable this option, there will be a blank white space on the left or right side of the product when scrolling down the browser page.
Here you can enable the option “Show tabs” if you want them to be displayed on product pages. If you do not desire to have any tab, disable the option.
Additionally, you can decide whether to show tabs “Show tab for Description” and “Show tab for Reviews” by enabling or disabling the options. Checkmark “Scrolling to open tab” in case you need to scroll up to the opened tab. This option works only for the vertical tabs on both desktop and mobile versions.
In this section, you can select one of the options: “Default tabs” or "Sheet of tabs".
Once you select the “Sheet of tabs" option, the Reviews, and Description blocks will be displayed without a tab, but all other tabs will be hidden using this combination.